Educational Portal

*Names and information changed due to privacy concerns
Printscreen from the portal's homepage

It all started with a survey

When a company is acquired by another, processes can get a little unorganized. After an NPS survey with all professionals, it was noted that the level of satisfaction was below the expected average. Problems such as “I don't know the next step to evolve in the company” and “I'm feeling forgotten by my leader” were frequently pointed out.

Amid discussions by the board about possible improvements, I joined a fellow developer to create a solution: a Portal focused on each employee's development path. After presenting it to the managers, the project was approved, starting the development.

Branstorming, lots of it!

After approval by the board, the first phase of requirements gathering began. Brainstorming was often carried out to gather as much functionality and ideas as we could. We started primarily with our own perspective as employees of the company, plus the answers of the NPS survey. What do we imagine improving our daily lives at work?

Print screen of the brainstorm notes

Two sides of the coin

Our Business Unit is divided into Cells, each having a specialty, each with its Cell Leader. After conversations, we noticed that we wanted the Portal to help everyone, regardless of their position in the company. By improving the internal learning and networking for both operations and executives, we could better solve for the complaints.
Therefore, we scheduled several meetings with Leaders, others with Senior Developers, Juniors, newcomers to the company as well as the oldest ones. We wanted to hear everyone's opinion to make the Portal as complete as possible. So we started with the Leaders to understand the scope of each Cell and their perspective on improvements and defects.

Print screen of the leader's meeting notes

Understanding the user

We asked the leaders for nominations of contributors to participate in interviews with us. We asked questions related to the Satisfaction Survey questions that started the whole idea. We seek to understand their daily tasks and needs and their main pains.

Print screen of the collaborator's meeting notes

Maping and taking notes

After gathering all of our annotations, we created empathy maps related to the two types of users: Leaders and Developers


With notes, references, features and maps done, we went to a wireframe part of the process: a simple grayscale sketch containing all the content and flow we needed.
This wireframe was a quick way to validate the information with stakeholders, some of the people we interviewed, and also discuss technical constraints. After a few iterations, we were ready to move to the prototyping and design documentation.


Final Product

A few weeks of work resulted in the first prototyped version, which can be viewed by clicking on the link below ("View in Figma")

Printscreen from the portal's homepageOpen in Figma

The first impact

The MVP was presented to all employees and feedback was positive.


After receiving feedback, we started the development phase. For this phase, I've documented the Figma file to hand it off to developers, by adding technical notes, use cases descriptions and empty/busy/error scenarios. I've also got to participate on the front-end development.

Wanna know more?

contact me at [email protected]